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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 1 Hansard (20 February) . . Page.. 284 ..

MRS CARNELL: Mr Speaker, what we said before is that you should not make allegations without actually putting evidence. All I was suggesting is that our view on this is not just the view of the Government; it is also the view of a number of other people. I was about to table this letter in the Assembly. I just wanted to read the first paragraph, which says:

Your Government is to be commended for its firm and justified position in removing Ms Jacqui Rees from the board of the Interim Kingston Foreshore Development Authority.

The reasons given for her dismissal are justification for the action.

I am very happy for everyone to read the rest. I table the letter.

MR SPEAKER: The member's time has expired.

MR OSBORNE (6.04): I have to say that I quite honestly think that what we have had here this afternoon has been nothing but a complete waste of time. Is this sacking of Jacqui Rees the most important thing that is happening in the Territory at the moment? I do not think so. Is it the thing that consumes my office? Some people here do think that it is the most important thing happening in the Territory at the moment, but I do not think so.

Mr Speaker, there are a number of issues that I want to raise here to let everyone know why I will be voting the way that I will. I would like to point out, firstly, that the thing that is leaving the worst taste in my mouth is the hypocrisy of the Labor Party. We all know that if they were in the position of the Government their opinion of what has happened would be very different. I have to say that I am very disappointed in the stance of the Labor Party. I think that what is happening today sets a terrible precedent. Why the hell waste valuable Assembly time on something like this?

I do not know Jacqui Rees personally. I have not had anything to do with her. When I came into this place I said that planning was not high on my agenda; and, after listening to today's debate, it has gone even further down my list of priorities. Jacqui Rees certainly has a hell of a lot to say. I hope she will not mind my saying this. She does get very political at times. Someone said to me that this debate needs to be finalised today because it is hurting Ms Rees; she is struggling with it. But I would argue that, once she enters the public arena by making comments in the paper, that is probably bad luck.

Mr Speaker, the issue here is not community consultation, I do not think. To be quite fair to the Government, I think they do consult. The big question is whether they listen. But I think, to be fair to them, they do certainly consult with my office. I have no problem with that issue. However, the big point in this debate is the sacking of Jacqui Rees. If after Ms Rees had been appointed to this board she all of a sudden became very vocal, all of a sudden started getting headlines in the paper, you would think that perhaps the appointment was wrong. However, I would argue that the history of the lady shows that she has been quite vocal for 10 years; she has had a lot to say for 10 years.

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