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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 12 Hansard (21 November) . . Page.. 4040 ..

Remainder of Bill, as a whole, as amended, agreed to.

MR SPEAKER: The question now is: That this Bill, as amended, be agreed to.

MR MOORE (9.45): I rise to oppose this legislation. The reason I rise to oppose the legislation, Mr Speaker, is to make very clear my position. I supported the legislation in principle on the understanding that there were benefits to be gained by this legislation. I believe there still will be some benefits to be gained by this legislation. But the complexity of the Bill is such that I believe the ability of political parties to conceal donations is increased substantially. There is a large increase in a loophole created by this legislation, and those problems far outweigh - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! The question that this Bill, as amended, be agreed to must be put forthwith and determined without amendment or debate, under standing order 189.

MR MOORE: I seek leave to make a short statement.

Leave granted.

MR MOORE: I thank members. I just want to briefly explain my position. I have spoken at length on this Bill. There is a change in the way I am voting on this Bill from the way I voted in the in-principle stage. I think it does require an explanation. As I have just said, it is on a cost-benefit analysis. I think the benefits of the Bill now, which I recognise and have supported, are outweighed by the ability to conceal and by the loophole that is created by this legislation. It simply is unnecessary. For those reasons, Mr Speaker, I will be opposing this legislation.

Question put:

That this Bill, as amended, be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -

	AYES, 13	 	NOES, 4

Mr Berry	Mr Kaine	Ms Horodny
Mrs Carnell	Ms McRae	Mr Moore
Mr Cornwell	Ms Reilly	Mr Osborne
Mr De Domenico	Mr Stefaniak	Ms Tucker
Ms Follett	Mr Whitecross
Mr Hird		Mr Wood
Mr Humphries	

Question so resolved in the affirmative.

Bill, as amended, agreed to.

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