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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 10 Hansard (4 September) . . Page.. 3035 ..

MR WHITECROSS: Mr De Domenico and Mr Stefaniak tried to run the argument - - -

Mr De Domenico: You do not have any ideas of your own, for heaven's sake. You are a whinger. You listen to what the CFMEU tells you to do because they have got the strings on you.

MR WHITECROSS: How is your right ear going, Mr Speaker?

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Whitecross has the floor.

MR WHITECROSS: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Mr Speaker - - -

Mr De Domenico: You are a poor excuse for a leader. We want Rosemary back. She was at least sensible.


MR WHITECROSS: You should shut him up, Mr Speaker.

Mr De Domenico: You do not like it, do you?

MR SPEAKER: Order! Otherwise, I will take action.

MR WHITECROSS: These people say, "The Labor Party did nothing about ACTION when they were in government. They just let it go on as it was. They did not have a single idea about ACTION". A more cynical and fallacious rewriting of history than that would be hard to imagine. We did lots for ACTION when we were in government. We worked with the unions in ACTION to make the bus services more efficient. We struck agreements which reduced the amount of time drivers on the payroll were sitting around doing nothing. We reduced the ACTION subsidies by working with the work force in ACTION. That is not the way Mr De Domenico does it. He thinks it up himself and then rams it down their throats. We worked with them.

Mr De Domenico: The first union that signed off the EBA was the Transport Workers Union.


MR WHITECROSS: It is Mr De Domenico, Mr Speaker, if you want to name him.

MR SPEAKER: Continue, Mr Whitecross.

MR WHITECROSS: Who introduced commuter express services to try to make it more attractive for commuters to use ACTION buses to get to work? It was not Mr De Domenico.

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