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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 8 Hansard (27 June) . . Page.. 2310 ..

MR SPEAKER: It was my interpretation that that was what she was seeking; but, in fact, Mrs Carnell sought leave to make a statement - - -

Mr Berry: So, it is you that is in trouble, not Mrs Carnell?

MR SPEAKER: Yes; I could very well have misinterpreted the fact that it was under standing order 46. This may very well have been my mistake. So, I would not like Mrs Carnell to be blamed for the suggestion that she was trying to make a statement, under some sort of false pretences, under standing order 46. I do not believe that that was the case at all. I think that was my mistake. Therefore, she was perfectly correct in seeking leave to make a statement.

Mr Berry: I am glad that you are going to check the Hansard.

MR SPEAKER: I will be happy to do that.

Question resolved in the affirmative, with the concurrence of an absolute majority.


MRS CARNELL (Chief Minister) (3.26): It was only ever going to be a very short statement, Mr Speaker. All I wanted to do was to make it clear to the Assembly that the document that Mr Whitecross was quoting from with regard to payroll tax was a document that was actually commissioned by the Australian Supermarket Institute. I think it was important for Mr Whitecross to make that clear when he tabled that document; but he did not. I must admit that I was wondering, with all of the discussion about payroll tax by Mr Whitecross, whose payroll he was on and whether it was the supermarkets'.

Members interjected.

MRS CARNELL: I will withdraw, if anyone wants me to withdraw.

Mr Berry: Mr Speaker, Mrs Carnell should be directed to withdraw that.

MR SPEAKER: She has withdrawn.

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