Page 4772 - Week 15 - Thursday, 8 December 1994

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I would also like to mention that the Housing and Community Services Bureau is currently undertaking a special project to improve child protection services. A major part of this project will focus on resolving some of the longstanding problems in recruiting and training staff to ensure that they are equipped with the necessary child protection and supervisory skills. Problems in these areas have been identified as contributors to stress, and it is hoped that the strategies currently in place to resolve these issues will assist in alleviating stress in the workplace.

In relation to the Auditor-General's recommendations on the use of a computer network and the review of information systems in the regional offices, I am pleased to advise that substantial progress has been made in this area. The regional offices are now networked to the central office, and I am aware that this has greatly assisted in the information flow and exchange between all offices. The Family Services Branch is also currently working on a proposal for a new and comprehensive client information system that will, subject to budget priorities, eventually be networked to all regional offices.

Madam Speaker, I congratulate the staff of the Family Services Branch on both the outcome of the review by the Auditor-General and the advanced state of the implementation of the recommendations contained in the report. In summary, the positive overall evaluation of the Auditor-General and the Public Accounts Standing Committee is supported by the Government. As this probably will be the last opportunity that I have in the life of this Assembly, I wish to place on record my sincere appreciation of the very dedicated work that has been performed by the officers of the Family Services Branch and the Office of the Community Advocate in dealing with issues of child abuse, neglect and abandonment. I believe that this is a fundamental social justice issue that must be addressed by any government, and it is a test by which any community should be judged - a test that will be enhanced with the introduction of mandatory reporting and the expansion of those services. The Government is fully aware of the need to expand resources in this area once that arrangement comes into place. On behalf of the Government, I give an unequivocal assurance that those resources will be provided. I thank the committee for the insight in its report, and I commend the Government's response to the house.

MR CORNWELL (10.50): Madam Speaker, I thank the Government for its response. This is not something that we can debate on the spot. I would like to read the response. I still have a few concerns, probably in relation to the legislation rather than the Family Services Branch, Minister, particularly in relation to the term "a place of safety" and some aspects of it. I hope that next year I will have the opportunity of putting up amendments to the legislation in the Assembly so that the matter can be debated fully.

Mr Lamont: You can write to me next year, after the elections, and I will do that on your behalf, Mr Cornwell.

MR CORNWELL: I will possibly be doing that, Madam Speaker, and giving Mr Lamont some instructions for the committee.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

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