Page 4424 - Week 14 - Thursday, 1 December 1994

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Motion (by Ms Szuty) put:

That the debate be adjourned.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 7   NOES, 9

Mrs Carnell Mr Berry

Mr Cornwell Mr Connolly

Mr De Domenico Ms Ellis

Mr Humphries Ms Follett

Mr Kaine  Mrs Grassby

Mr Stefaniak Mr Lamont

Ms Szuty  Ms McRae

  Mr Stevenson

  Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the negative.

MR STEVENSON (11.31): First of all, I have to get rid of this tie that I have on now. I certainly need to wear a more appropriate tie if I am going to talk about this committee report. It has been said that if you are going to tell a lie you have to tell a big one. Goebbels said it. You keep repeating it until people believe it, because you go on and on. Having put on my Mickey Mouse tie, I feel that I am in a position to discuss what is laughingly called a community-initiated referendum report by a select committee. I would agree that they are select. What they should be selected for perhaps would be unparliamentary.

The Chief Minister hopped to her feet and said, "We all know, everybody knows, actually it has been known since the start of time, that the Electors Initiative and Referendum Bill is seriously flawed". Actually, it was seriously flawed before the basis of it was introduced in the Queensland Parliament in 1915. It was seriously flawed before it was introduced in the New South Wales Parliament, after drafting by parliamentary draftsmen in New South Wales in 1991, where it was tabled as the Constitution (Citizen-initiated Referendums) Bill 1991. It talks about referendum proposals. This is where the basis of the Electors Initiative and Referendum Bill came from.

The fact is that you did not know any of that. Why do you not do some homework? It was implied in this report from the select committee that the drafting was not done well. Let me give you a couple of indications of the knowledge of the committee. Listen to this; this will be fun. Stop chatting amongst yourselves and listen to this rubbish. It mentions in the preface:

A further cause of concern is that the legislation might be able to be used for 'recall' of politicians, judges or ACT public servants.

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