Page 812 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 13 April 1994

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Housing Trust - Scullin Property

MR. CORNWELL - Asked the Minister for Housing and Community Services -

In relation to the recently vacated Housing Trust property at 10 MacIntosh

Street, Scullin -

(1) Did the tenants leave of their own free will, were they evicted

or did they abscond.

(2) If they absconded or were evicted, was rent owing; if so, how


(3) What steps will be taken to obtain payment for outstanding

rent at (2).

(4) Will the ex-tenants also be charged for the cost of repairs, and

clean up of the house and the property; if not, why not.

(5) What is the approximate cost of work at (4).

(6) Will consideration be given to improving the

unprepossessing front of the house, eg a pergola; if so,

what would be the approximate cost.

MR. CONNOLLY - The answer to the Members question is as follows:

(1) & (2) It is not appropriate for privacy reasons to provide this

information in a written answer. I am prepared to offer a

briefing to the Member on this question.

(3) It is the policy of the Housing Trust to refer the debts of

previous tenants to the debt collector, Laurens and Co

(NSW) Pty Ltd, for collection.

(4) Where applicable, it is the practice of the ACT Housing Trust

to recover from tenants the cost of repairing damage which

they have caused to public property. Tenants are not expected

to pay for repairs which are attributable to fair wear and tear.

(5) It would be inappropriate to disclose information about a

former tenant.

(6) Any necessary maintenance will be carried out to the property

before it is allocated.


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