
Tuesday, 14 December 1993

Questions without notice:

Government Service - enterprise bargaining

Building and construction industry

ACTION - enterprise bargaining

Podiatry services

Public holidays

Information for school leavers

Payroll tax - superannuation contributions

Department of Education and Training - computer consultant

Subordinate legislation and commencement provisions

Acton Peninsula (Matter of public importance)

Scrutiny of Bills and Subordinate Legislation - standing committee

Planning, Development and Infrastructure - standing committee

Land (Planning and Environment) Act - variation to the Territory Plan

Stamp Duties and Taxes (Amendment) Bill (No 3) 1993

Legal Practitioners (Amendment) Bill 1993

National Crime Authority (Territory Provisions) (Amendment) Bill 1993

Health Complaints Bill 1993

Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1993

Tobacco (Amendment) Bill 1993


Member's clothing

Field Guide to the Birds of the ACT

Member's clothing


Answers to questions:

Gungahlin Drive - Gundaroo Drive intersection construction costs
(Question No 1055)

Community Nursing Service - pager units (Question No 1059)

Housing Trust properties - Duffy (Question No 1064)

Housing Trust - debt collection contract (Question No 1080)

Wednesday, 15 December 1993

Petition: Tuggeranong Homestead

Discrimination (Amendment) Bill (No 4)1993

Subordinate Laws (Amendment) Bill 1993

Long Service Leave (Building and Construction Industry) (Amendment)
Bill (No 2) 1993

Discharge of order of the day

Voice of the Electorate Bill 1993 [No 2]

Stamp Duties and Taxes (Amendment) Bill (No 4) 1993

Children's Services (Amendment) Bill 1993

Questions without notice:

Electoral system

Visiting medical officers dispute

Distinguished visitors

Questions without notice:

Electoral system

Electoral system

Planning standards

Electoral system

West Belconnen trunk sewer


Environment strategy - draft for public comment

Electoral system

Banking sector (Matter of public importance)

Days of meeting - 1994

Food (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1993

Australian National Training Authority (Territory Functions) Bill 1993


Thursday, 16 December 1993

Electoral (Amendment) Bill 1993

Electoral (Amendment) (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1993

Smoke-Free Areas (Enclosed Public Places) Bill 1993

Judicial Commissions Bill 1993

Judicial Commissions (Consequential Amendments) Bill 1993

Coroners (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1993

Interpretation (Amendment) Bill (No 3) 1993

Statute Law Revision (Penalties) Bill 1993

Associations (Incorporation) (Amendment) Bill 1993

Legal Affairs - standing committee

Postponement of orders of the day

Public Accounts - standing committee

Precedence to private members business

Long Service Leave (Building and Construction Industry)
(Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1993

Questions without notice:

Electoral legislation

Electoral legislation

International Year of the Family

Waste water scheme

Electoral legislation

Legislative Assembly - number of members

Electoral legislation

St John's wort

Electoral legislation

Olympic 2000 Committee

Legislative Assembly - number of members

Land tax

Postal and customs services

Government Service - home-garaged vehicles

Leave of absence to member

Auditor-General - report No 11 of 1993

Subordinate legislation

Bill of Rights

Surrogacy agreements

Community Law Reform Committee

World's Indigenous Peoples - International Year (Ministerial statement)

Evidence Bill 1993 - Commonwealth

Leave of absence to member

Administration and Procedures - standing committee

Government's performance during 1993 (Matter of public importance)

Adjournment debate










Answers to questions:

Griffith Primary School - survey (Question No 1023)

Health portfolio - staff recruitment Question No 1054)

Housing Trust - debt collection contract (Question No 1060)

Housing Trust properties - purchases (Question No 1066)

Child abuse (Question No 1068)

Concrete cricket wickets (Question No 1071)

Rent and rates arrears (Question No 1074)

Housing and Community Services portfolio - child abuse staff
(Question No 1076)

Flag - use of coat of arms (Question No 1078)

Health portfolio - equal employment opportunity (Question No 1079)

Government schooling program - audit report (Question No 1083)

Government schools - average per student costs (Question No 1085)

Noise pollution standards (Question No 1087)

Housing Trust properties - Braddon redevelopment (Question No 1095)

Weapons legislation - compensation payments (Question No 1097)

Housing Trust properties - Duffy (Question No 1098)

Abattoir holding paddocks (Question No 1100)

Legal aid - eligibility criteria (Question No 1101)

Firebreaks - Tharwa Drive (Question No 1102)

Medium and high density housing limits (Question No 1106)

Ainslie Transfer Station (Question No 1107)

High schools - examinations timetable (Question No 1109)

Cycling - regulations and education programs (Question No 1111)

Bicycle paths - construction and maintenance costs (Question No 1112)

Water usage - meter-beater trials (Question No 1113)

Housing Trust properties - fires (Question No 1115)

Holder High School site (Question No 1116)

Air pollution - bus interchanges (Question No 1117)

Belconnen Remand Centre - psychiatric nurse positions (Question No 1118)

Community Nursing Service - funeral director advice (Question No 1119)

Police force - legal advisers at interviews (Question No 1121)

Supported accommodation assistance program (Question No 1122)

Methadone program (Question No 1124)

National parks and nature reserves - fees (Question No 1127)

Rates revenue (Question No 1129)

Emergency services - ambulance officer reports (Question No 1134)

Health grants program (Question No 1135)

Health grants program (Question No 1136)

Emergency management centre - communications equipment
(Question No 1138)


Appendix 1 : Member's clothing

Appendix 2 : Coroners (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1993

Appendix 3 : Interpretation (Amendment) Bill (No 3) 1993

Appendix 4 : Statute Law Revision (Penalties) Bill 1993

Appendix 5 : Associations Incorporation (Amendment) Bill 1993

Appendix 6 : Land tax

Appendix 7 : Postal and customs services

Appendix 8 : Government Service - home-garaged vehicles

Appendix 9 : Commonwealth Evidence Bill 1993