
Tuesday, 24 August 1993

Questions without notice:

Chief Minister's visit to Japan

Freedom of information charges

Chief Minister's visit to Japan

Schools - commercial sponsorships

Freedom of information charges

Urban renewal

Band festival

Answers to questions without notice

Personal explanation

Auditor-General's report No5 of 1993

Subordinate legislation

Land (Planning and Environment) Act leases (Ministerial statement)

Youth Ministers Council and national youth policy (Ministerial statement)

Deafness Awareness Week (Ministerial statement)

Betterment arrangements (Ministerial statement)


Leave of absence to member

Access to government information (Matter of public importance)

Planning, Development and Infrastructure - standing committee

Scrutiny of Bills and Subordinate Legislation - standing committee

Postponement of orders of the day

Seniors Week

Cultural Council - "Sharing the Vision: a framework for cultural development"


Wednesday, 25 August 1993

Land (Planning and Environment) (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1993

City Health Centre - funding of abortion facility

Housing Trust properties - smoke detectors

Unparliamentary language

Questions without notice:

Tourism Commission - advisory board

Doctor's surgery sign

Tourism Commission - advisory board.

Mu11igan's Flat

Water supply - sodium metabisulphite


Chief Minister's visit to Japan

Mr Ricky Stuart - surgery

Institute of Technology - assessment system.

Lanyon High School

State trading enterprises


Red Nose Day (Ministerial statement)

Tourism Commission - advisory board

Motor Traffic (Amendment) Bill (No 3) 1993

Mrs Carnell, Mr De Domenico and Mr Humphries (Motion of censure)

Motor Traffic (Alcohol and Drugs) (Amendment) Bill (No 3) 1993

Supreme Court (Amendment) Bill 1993

Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross-Vesting) Bill 1993

Animal Diseases Bill 1993

Cultural Council - "Sharing the Vision: a framework for cu1tural development"


Members' travel

Members' travel

Members' travel


Answers to questions:

Street tree planting- consultation (Question No. 824)

ACTION - benchmarking study (Question No. 836)

Road accidents - red 1ight and speed cameras (Question No. 840)

Government vehicles - cleaning (Question No. 853)

ACTEW - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff (Question No.855)

Fire Brigade - emergency allowances (Question No. 861) .

Fire Brigade - general and search and rescue training (Question No. 868)

Fire Brigade - statistics (Question No. 872)

Preschool and child care centre - Yarralumla (Question No. 917)

ACTEW - separate metering (Question No. 927)

Parking restrictions - Friday nights (Question No. 942)

Construction Industry Training Council Fund (Question No. 943)


Thursday, 26 August 1993

Dentists Registration (Amendment) Bill l993

Boxing Control (Amendment) Bill 1993

Criminal Injuries Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1993

Administration and Procedures - standing committee

Administration and Procedures - standing committee.

Estimates 1993-94 - select committee

Public Accounts - standing committee

Scrutiny of Bills and Subordinate Legislation - standing committee

Conservation, Heritage and Environment - standing committee

Canberra in the Year 2020 study

Questions without notice:

Tourism Commission - advisory board

Australian Capital Auctioneers

Territory Plan

Betterment tax

Australian Capital Auctioneers

Libraries - opening hours

Canberra Airport

ACTION - fraud allegations

Education budget


Health complaints legislation - exposure draft


Householder survey report (Ministerial statement)

Foster carers (Matter of public importance)

Ozone Protection (Amendment) Bill 1993

Evidence (Amendment) Bil1 (No. 2) 1993

Registrar-General Bill l993

Registrar-General (Consequential Provisions) Bill l993

Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review)(Amendment) Bill 1993

Birth (Equality of Status) (Amendment) Bill l993


Answers to questions:

Schools - needs based funding (Question No. 784)

Abortion c1inic (Question No. 806)

Department of the Environment, Land and Planning -
air travel purchase order (Question No. 818)

Department of the Environment, Land and Planning -
purchase order (Question No. 819)

Department of the Environment, Land and Planning -
senior executive retreat workshop (Question No.820)

Department of the Environment, Land and Planning -
Access Economics consultancy (Question No. 821)

Department of the Environment, Land and Planning -
purchases from Sokkia Pty Ltd (Question No. 822)

Public hospital bed numbers (Question No 838)

Intellectual disability services (Question No 839)

Abortion clinic (Question No 842)


Canberra in the Year 2020 study (Question No 843)

Housing Trust - waiting list (Question No 844)

HomeBuyer and HomeBuyer Plus programs (Question No 845)

Agents - statutory interest account (Question No 846)

Housing Trust - home purchase loans (Question No 847)

Kingston library (Question No 848)

Housing Trust - Kambah property leased to YMCA (Question No 849)

Housing Trust - Garran property (Question No 850)

Housing Trust properties - auctions (Question No 852)

Environment, Land and Planning portfolio -
travel agency arrangements (Question No 856)

Sport portfolio - travel agency arrangements (Question No 857)

Home and community care program (Question No 859)

Housing and Community Services portfolio -
travel agency arrangements (Question No 860)

ACTION bus drivers - smoking (Question No 863)

ACTION bus drivers - hats (Question No 864)

Macgregor property - lease variation (Question No 865)

Disaster plan (Question No 866)

Ambulance Service - general and search and rescue training (Question No 867)

Police force - general and search and rescue training (Question No 869)

Ambulance Service - statistics (Question No 870)

Police force - statistics (Question No 871)

Economic Development Division - lunchtime meetings (Question No 875)

Government vehicles (Question No 887)

Rates revenue and expenditure (Question No 888)

Library Service - fines revenue and Book Plus system (Question No 890)

Road signs - height (Question No 891)

Government project signs (Question No 892)

Starlight Drive-in site (Question No 893)

International Tenants Day (Question No 894)

Housing Trust properties - deaths and suicides (Question No 896)

Yarralumla Woolshed function (Question No 897)

Swimming centres - fees and attendances (Question No 899)

Weston Creek property - lease transfer (Question No 903)

Housing Trust properties - dual occupancy redevelopments
(Question No 904)

Housing Trust properties - Currong Flats ground floor (Question No 905)

Tenants Union (Question No 908)

Housing Trust properties - rates and land tax (Question No 909)

New Childers Street Theatre (Question No 910)

New Childers Street Theatre (Question No 911)

North Duffy-Holder development - environmental impact
statement (Question No 913)

Housing Trust tenants - rent relief (Question No 914)

Scullin House (Question No 916)

Gungahlin - golf courses (Question No 918)


Housing Trust - dwelling constructions (Question No 919)

Multicultural arts (Question No 924)

Rural leases (Question No 925)

Housing Trust - bond loans (Question No 926)

City Health Centre - picture of Queen (Question No 928)

Sports drug tests (Question No 929)

Housing Trust - rental bond defaults (Question No 932)

Holder High School gymnasium (Question No 935)

Housing Trust - rent deductions (Question No 936)

Housing Trust - rent arrears (Question No 937)

HomeBuyer and HomeBuyer Plus programs (Question No 938)

Housing co-operatives (Question No 939)

City Services Group - project officer (Question No 944)

Brothels and escort agencies (Question No 945)

Hospice project (Question No 947)

New Assembly building - electrical services contract (Question No 950)

Residential rates - deferred payments (Question No 951)

Palmerston - temporary community facility (Question No 952)

Housing Trust - computer system (Question No 953)

Abattoir holding paddocks (Question No 957)

Rural leases - rent reassessments (Question No 958)

Rural leases - repair and replace clause (Question No 959)

Housing Trust - computer system (Question No 961)

Parking infringement notices - regional shopping centres
(Question No 962)


Appendix 1: Answers to questions without notice

Appendix 2 : Land (Planning and Environment) Act leases

Appendix 3 : State trading enterprises

Appendix 4 : Tourism Commission - advisory board