Page 2457 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 18 August 1993

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activities - although they are less these days than was the case when we were at school - and quite a deal of other activity, training and the like, in school time. We are going to expand that survey during term three, to look at not only the time allocated to physical education and sport but also the content and quality of the programs, teacher professional development, the facilities available, resources and equipment, so that we will be in a better position to continue with that thrust of ensuring a very sound program of physical education and sport for all students.

Health Budget

MR HUMPHRIES: My question is to the Treasurer. In last night's betrayal budget - - -

Mr Connolly: Ha, ha! The same person writes this rubbish.

MR HUMPHRIES: It is very funny, is it not? There were millions of Australians waking up this morning laughing about that budget. In last night's betrayal budget the special purpose payment assistance to the Australian Capital Territory in health was cut by $7.3m. I ask the Minister: Does she propose to retain or maintain the services that have been cut, and how will her budget make up the loss of this $7.3m on top of the $10m blow-out in health that we have already experienced?

MS FOLLETT: Madam Speaker, as with the previous question, I will take the substance of it, look into the detail and provide Mr Humphries with a considered reply. I am not in the habit of shooting from the hip like members opposite are. I think that members opposite have completely neglected to look at any of the positives in this budget whatsoever.

Mr Humphries: It is like finding a needle in a haystack.


Mr Kaine: "I will not answer the question but I will give you a policy statement instead."


MS FOLLETT: Thank you, Madam Speaker. I would point out to members that in the health area there are some major initiatives particularly aimed at women's health, the health of homeless young people and an increase in the palliative care program. I know that they are not interested in any of this, Madam Speaker; they simply want to behave like the rabble that they really are. There is also the alternative birthing programming - a substantial amount of money is contained in the Federal budget for that - and the continuation of the funding for the HIV and AIDS program through to 1995-96.

Mrs Carnell: No rebate for eye tests.

Mr De Domenico: High threshold for pharmaceuticals.

Mrs Carnell: Decrease in HACC funding.

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