Page 2418 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 17 August 1993

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Academy of Sport - Overseas Travel by Executive Officer

Mr Cornwell - asked the Minister for Sport

(1) Did-a senior executive of the ACT Academy of Sport travel overseas with spouse in 1992 and if so, for how long.

(2) Was this executive "on call" for the duration of the overseas trip and therefore on full


(3) If on full pay, how much did this amount to for the duration of the trip.

(4) What countries were visited during the overseas trip . . . .

(5) What does "on call" mean and how does it effectively operate when overseas.

Mr Berry - the answer to the Members question is as follows:

(1) The Executive Officer of the Academy accompanied her spouse for a period of 24 weeks, from 12 February to 29 July 1992

(2) No. The Executive Officer of the Academy was on leave without pay or recreation leave except for a period of three weeks for which she had prior approval to be recalled to duty to attend a conference and visit institutions directly related to her work at the Academy. The officer was on full pay for this three week period.

(3) The officer was on-full pay for only three weeks-while overseas at an estimated cost of $2318. .

(4) The countries visited during the period of. recall to duty were. USA, Canada and .


(5) The term"on call" is not relevant to this situation. The correct terminology for an officer returning to duty whilst on approved leave is "recall to duty". *An officer is on "recall to duty" when prior approval has been given to undertake work related . . duties, such as attending conferences or meetings and visiting -institutions, which

- will be beneficial to the Department.

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