Page 2089 - Week 07 - Thursday, 17 June 1993

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Health Complaints Unit

Mr Moore - asked the Minister for Health:

(1) When will the autonomous Health Complaints Unit be operational

(2) Could the Minister provide statistics showing, through the current mechanisms

(a) the number of complaints received; (b) the number of complaints investigated;

and (c) the number of complaints found in favour of the complainant

(3) Who legally owns doctors patient notices.

(4) Who legally owns medical reports passed back to the referring GP subsequent to referral to a medical specialist

(5) Is it mandatory for doctors and hospitals record all known allergies and adverse drug reactions.

(6) What constitutes informed consent in relation to the prescribing of drugs and procedures to be performed.

(7) 1s consent given by a patient to one doctor transferable to a colleague.

(8) Can a doctor discuss the treatment of his/her patient, being an adult, with members of the patients family without obtaining the patients consent

Mr Berry - the answer to Mr Moores question is:

(1) It is envisaged, with a smooth passage through the ACT Legislative Assembly, that the Health Complaints Unit will be operational in September 1993.

(2) (a) Community Health implemented a formal complaints policy and proms in October 1992. Since that time 52 complaints have been received and, over the last three months Community Health have received 175 commendations. During 1992 Woden Valley Hospital received 318 complaints and 922 commendations. In the first quarter of 1993, 90 complaints have been received with 296 commendations. (b) All complaints have been investigated and finalised. (c) 34 complaints to Community Health were resolved in favour of the complainant or to the complainants satisfaction. In relation to Wades Valley Hospital, most complaints deal with situations and issues that are not measurable in this way. Very often complainants are satisfied with an explanation for why events occurred as they did. Likewise, the hospital often benefits from the feedback provided by complaints.


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