Page 1979 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 16 June 1993

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Supported Accommodation Assistance Program -

Funding and Accommodation for Men

MR. CORNWELL - asked the Minister for Housing and Community Services - In relation to the ACT Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP) funding for accommodation for men -

(1) Has such funding declined from 39.1% in 1984 to only 14.6% in

1991-92, as a percentage against funding specifically for

women or for youth.

(2) In 1991-92, what was the ACT capacity, in bed nights per year,

of SAAP funded accommodation for men.

(3) In 1991-92, did the demand for accommodation for men exceed

the capacity in (2) and, if so, by how many bed nights.

(4) What crisis accommodation is provided for men aged over 24 years of age.

( 5 ) In 1991-92 what was the demand for crisis accommodation for men over 24 years of age.

( 6 ) What steps is the Government taking to correct the apparent bias against SAAP funding for males.

MR. CONNOLLY - The answer to the Members questions are as follows:

(1) The comparison of 1984 figures with 1991-92 figures is not

valid. Changes to SAAP since 1984 have meant that funding is

no longer identified across three sectors (men, women and

youth) but has been expanded to cover five target groups.

(2) Figures are unavailable. Services for men cover a range of models and mixed service types. There are five services in the ACT which can accommodate men and these provide up to three hundred beds. However some of these services also cater for women and families.


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