Page 820 - Week 03 - Thursday, 25 March 1993

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MR STEVENSON: I think it was fairly obvious that the Chinchilla trip was paid for by me. Have there been any instances where these benefits have been used for personal value either by public servants outside this Assembly or by Assembly members?

MS FOLLETT: I thank Mr Stevenson for the question and I also thank him for giving me notice of, at least, some of it, Madam Speaker.

Mr Stevenson: There was just a slight change at the end. I thought of it while I was waiting.

MS FOLLETT: Yes. The matter that has been raised by Mr Stevenson concerns the handling of benefits to be obtained from airlines through schemes that are commonly known as frequent flyer programs. There are guidelines available to staff of the ACT Government Service which address this issue. The guidelines are based on advice from the Public Service Commission to all Australian Public Service departments and agencies. That advice is dated 4 September 1991.

On 18 September 1991, the Office of Public Sector Management, in my own department, issued a circular to all ACT government sector agencies. The circular advised that ACT government sector staff should not take improper advantage of or misuse official benefits for private purposes. Therefore, it is not appropriate to use such schemes for personal benefit. Madam Speaker, departments or agencies may be able to take advantage of the benefits offered by airlines by exploring options to use frequent flyer credit points arising from official travel towards funding other official travel and to obtain further discounts. I have applied those same principles to travel undertaken by me and my Ministers.

Mr Stevenson further asked about MLAs. The issue of whether non-executive members of this Assembly should be able to take advantage of these schemes is a matter for the Speaker. I would suggest, if Mr Stevenson cares to do so, that he raise the matter with the Speaker. Madam Speaker, I am happy to table, for the information of members, the Office of Public Sector Management circular, if members would wish me to. As to the last part of Mr Stevenson's question as to whether any public servants have made use of the frequent flyer programs for private benefit, I imagine that the answer is no. However, I will get a definitive answer from the head of the ACT administration. If you wish to know whether MLAs have made use of it, then I would suggest that you also put that question to the Speaker.

Water Cleanliness Meters

MR WESTENDE: My question is directed to Mr Wood in his capacity as Minister for the Environment. Given the continuing water quality problems in Canberra's recreation lakes during summer, would the Minister commit himself to examining the feasibility of installing water safety meters - similar to the bushfire signs - at popular swimming spots to tell people about the cleanliness levels of the lake at the time?

MR WOOD: Madam Speaker, I will take that on board. We all can understand and remember the signs that are around the forests, informing us as to whether the area is a high bushfire risk or not. Perhaps we need to put out such a warning concerning our lakes a bit less frequently. I did that recently with respect to Lake Tuggeranong and, in a much more minor degree, Lake Burley Griffin.

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