Page 5140 - Week 17 - Wednesday, 12 December 1990

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Question No.284

Phillip Swimming Pool

MRS GRASSBY - Asked the Minister for Finance and Urban Services upon notice on 24 October 1990.

1. Who is the present lessee of the Phillip Swimming Pool?

2. Is the ice rink included in this lease, or does the

present lessee of the Phillip pool own the ice rink?

3. What valuation has been done on the land on which

Phillip pool stands, independent or otherwise?

4. What is the value of the pool and equipment?

5. How was this valuation arrived at?

6. Is there any written contract or other arrangement with

the present lessee of Phillip pool and,if so, what are

the details?

7. If the Phillip pool is in poor condition, why was the

lessee not made to keep it in better condition?

8. Has the sale of the Phillip pool been finalised and if

so, what was the final price paid to the ACT


MR KAINE - The following answer is provided to Mrs Grassbys question

The question should properly have been addressed to me as Chief Minister since it involves a leasing matter and as such lies under my portfolio.

1. Glencora Pty Limited.

2. Yes. The ice skating rink is included in the lease but the

Government must compensate the lessee for the rink.

3. Three valuations were made of the land assuming a 99 year

lease. The Australian Valuation Office for the Government,

McCann and Associates for the lessee and a senior independent

professional valuer nominated by the Australian Institute of

Valuers and Land Administrators. The independent value was

$400,000.00 less an amount in respect of the pool (see 4


4. The valuation of the pool and associated facilities by the

independent valuer was a negative value in that it subtracted

$80,000.00 from the value of the land.


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