Page 5079 - Week 17 - Wednesday, 12 December 1990

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expressed. Of course there are differences of opinion. It could hardly be assumed that 10 people from three political party groupings would have the same opinion on everything. We do not.

The thing that really amuses me is that when any two members of the Government have a difference of opinion it seems to be a matter for the front page of the Canberra Times and the Labor Party thinks it is something to chortle about. Well, you are wrong. These differences in no way weaken the strength of the Alliance. In fact, if anything, they make us stronger. We will still be there at the next election and we will do you lot like a dinner.

MS FOLLETT: I ask a supplementary question, Mr Speaker. If Mr Kaine is not taking any action against Mr Humphries we presume that he agrees with his approach. So, what action will you be taking against Mr Collaery in this matter?

MR KAINE: I did not say that I agree with anybody's approach. I said that there were differences of view, and so there are. I respect the differences of view and I am quite sure that there will continue to be differences of view; but in the end, as I said, we will do you lot like a dinner when the next election comes - so don't you worry about that.

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

MR STEVENSON: My question is to the Chief Minister and Liberal leader, Trevor Kaine. Mr Kaine may be aware of the decision by the Federal Council of the Liberal Party to vote to oppose ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child on 25 October. My question is: in the light of perhaps better knowledge of certain concerns with the UN convention, does the Chief Minister support the widespread and growing opposition to the ratification of that UN convention?

MR KAINE: As is very often the case in this house, Mr Speaker, the question is predicated on a wrong assumption. I do not know that there is widespread dissatisfaction or discontent with that document at all.

Mr Stevenson: The Federal Council of the Liberal Party.

MR KAINE: I am not a member of the Federal Council of the Liberal Party. I did not attend the last Federal Council meeting of the Liberal Party. I am not party to the decisions that they make.

Mr Stevenson: Are you suggesting that their decisions are not widespread?

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Stevenson, please!

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