Page 4497 - Week 15 - Thursday, 22 November 1990

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Mr Connolly: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker. Mr Collaery identified social problems in suburbs including Mr Moore. Identifying Mr Moore as a social problem is a rather juvenile statement that perhaps should be better withdrawn.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Is that what you said, Mr Collaery?

MR COLLAERY: Mr Speaker, I made a jocular comment which, of course, Mr Moore did not appreciate. If it has hurt his feelings - - -

MR SPEAKER: Well, please withdraw.

MR COLLAERY: If it has hurt his feelings, I withdraw any suggestion that Mr Moore figures in any of these statistics. I assure the house that he does not. We heard Mr Moore last night in the chamber; but the press did not, or most of the media did not. So he went on the air this morning and said that the deal in community policing was being arranged behind closed doors.

I have informed the house and there has already been a major media release about the results of the first survey. They showed, for example, Mr Speaker, that only 53 per cent of the respondents rated the police favourably on preventing crime and 54 per cent on controlling drink driving. Another large percentage, 48 per cent, were happy with police assistance to them as victims of crime, and so on and so forth.

Mr Speaker, once again we hear on the radio and we see by press release facts which were made clear in the Assembly last night being sold on the media, because they were not present to hear it, as some new discovery by Mr Moore.

Weston Creek Community Service

MR BERRY: That was a bit over the top. I thought that was a standing order 46 matter. My question is directed to the Minister for Health, Education and the Arts, Mr Speaker. Mr Humphries, under version 2, which you may recall, of your school closures plans, the Weston Creek Community Service was notified of its eviction from Weston Creek Health Centre and relocation at Rivett Primary School. Under version 3 of your school closures plan, Rivett will stay open. What will now happen to the Weston Creek Community Service?

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, I think Mr Berry was not listening earlier today. Earlier in this question time I indicated that there were ongoing discussions with affected tenants and parties.

Ms Follett: You do not know.

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