Page 3825 - Week 13 - Thursday, 18 October 1990

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60 Minutes Program

MR CONNOLLY: My question is also to the Chief Minister. Did the Chief Minister say on national television on Sunday, 7 October, "There are people in the government that perhaps we could do better without"? Did he go on to say, when questioned as to whether that included Ministers, "Well, I believe that is true of any government"? Firstly, will the Chief Minister tell the Assembly which people in the Government he would like to be rid of and what he is doing about it? Secondly, can the Chief Minister explain why he said in this Assembly on Tuesday in question time that he was referring to members of the Assembly, when it is clear that he was referring to members of the Government?

MR KAINE: Mr Speaker, the program on 7 October was a rather peculiar program. I think that anybody who saw it would have to acknowledge that. For anybody to suggest that what was reported as having been said by me or any other member of the Assembly was a complete, comprehensive and accurate report of what was said would be a travesty of the truth.

Mr Wood: We watched your lips; that is what we did.

Mr Connolly: You denied that you said it, but you said it.


Mr Connolly: You denied it on Tuesday. You said it.

MR KAINE: Look, 7 October was a long time ago. If you would care to give me a transcript, I will review precisely what I said. You can refresh my memory; but my recollection is pretty clear, I think. The simple answer to the question is that I spent a great deal of time with Mr Carleton and his team and I think I probably got about four seconds on the program. If you can honestly say to me that to take four seconds worth of time out of a 20-minute interview and just quote that - - -

Mr Wood: This is a different answer we are getting now.

MR KAINE: No. You keep persisting with the question.

Mr Collaery: They did not show the bit where he was asked what he thought of you.

MR KAINE: No, they did not play that. Had they done so, you would have been even more upset. The fact is that there was a very long interview and there were a very few seconds which were clearly taken out of the context of what was said and presented in a way that was intended to be detrimental to the ACT, detrimental to this body, and detrimental to the people in it. That was the whole tune of the show. If you are going to pretend, if Whingeing Wayne is going to pretend and Carping Connolly is going to - - -

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