Page 3543 - Week 12 - Thursday, 20 September 1990

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Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee is an important further opportunity for that consultation.

Mr Speaker, one issue which the committee's comments on consultation do highlight is the importance of the consultation on the Territory Plan. The plan will set broad directions which will give the basis for very significant infrastructure development. Athllon Drive and the associated peripheral parkway system is a good illustration of the issue.

Once these directions are in place and investment made, substantial changes can be very costly and give contradictory results. This is particularly so when an area is substantially complete, as is Tuggeranong. I am not suggesting we cannot change plans; we can, and they will be reviewed and changed. But what I wish to emphasise is the importance of public input to the Territory Plan. My Government is committed to that input and I urge the public to become involved. Mr Speaker, I seek leave to have the Government's detailed response to the report by the standing committee incorporated into Hansard.

Leave granted.

Response incorporated at Appendix 2

Debate (on motion by Mr Connolly) adjourned.

Sitting suspended from 12.17 to 2.30 pm


Melba Flats

MR STEVENSON: My question is addressed to Mr Collaery and it concerns Melba Flats. As a result of the closing down of the Melba Flats, the shops in the Melba shopping centre are going broke. One has already closed its doors and the operators have walked away and others are not far behind. My question to the Minister is as follows: What is the position regarding the sale of the Melba Flats and when is completion due? Secondly, is compensation possible for the shopkeepers who are so adversely affected? I recall that I asked a similar question some many months ago.

MR COLLAERY: I thank Mr Stevenson for his question. To answer the last part of his question first, the short answer is no - and I cannot see how any government can even quantify such issues as compensation resulting from a temporary change in the demography of an area. I say "temporary", of course, because, in the construction and renovation program, the Government has to date demolished stage one, and that means that progressively over the next year the Government will entirely remove 420 flats or thereabouts. For many years a good proportion of the Melba

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