Page 3513 - Week 12 - Thursday, 20 September 1990

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This Bill is related to archaeological investigations in wilderness zones. Wilderness zones are declared under section 52 of the Nature Conservation Act 1980. In December 1989, the previous Government declared the Bimberi wilderness within Namadgi National Park. This put into place a commitment made in the management plan, and agreed to with the New South Wales Government, that a wilderness zone would be declared that incorporated the southern part of the ACT and part of Kosciusko National Park.

Like Namadgi National Park, the Bimberi wilderness zone contains substantial cultural resources. The management plan for the park, and the Act, require the conservator of wildlife to manage these resources appropriately. Section 59 of the Act specifically prohibits excavations in a wilderness zone. This is intended to protect the values in the wilderness area from being disturbed. There may be a requirement in the future to investigate the cultural resources of the Bimberi wilderness zone which may require a scientifically conducted archaeological excavation. The most appropriate course of action, Mr Speaker, is to amend the Act.

This Bill amends the Act so that the prohibition on excavation in wilderness areas does not apply to excavations carried out as part of a scientific archaeological investigation with the consent in writing of the conservator of wildlife. The Bill allows for permits to be issued by the conservator of wildlife to organisations that can demonstrate that the archaeological survey is of benefit to our understanding of the cultural resources and that excavation is necessary. The organisation is required to rehabilitate the area once the excavation is complete. The Bill, as presented, has no commencement clause. It will commence from the date of gazettal. Mr Speaker, I present the explanatory memorandum for the Bill.

Debate (on motion by Ms Follett) adjourned.


MR DUBY (Minister for Finance and Urban Services) (10.37): Mr Speaker, I present the Motor Traffic (Amendment) Bill (No. 3) 1990. I move:

That this Bill be agreed to in principle.

The ACT Motor Traffic Act was introduced in 1936 and relates to the control of motor vehicles and the regulation of motor traffic. This Bill will require vehicles being registered in the ACT to conform with the Australian design rules, which set out national design standards for vehicle safety and emissions. They are developed through a consultative process involving Commonwealth, State and

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