Page 3294 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 18 September 1990

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principals of Decoin Pty Limited? What is their financial backing for this proposal? Has this pool proposal been financially audited by the ACT Government?

MR DUBY: I thank Mr Connolly for the question. In regard to the first part of the question, as to who are the principals of Decoin Pty Limited, I am afraid I just do not know off the top of my head. I can supply that information for him at a later time. In terms of who are the financial backers, once again I do not know off the top of my head who the financial backers are, because as Minister I have kept myself detached from the financial implications and the financial ins and outs of the proposal, as I do with many other proposals which come before me. However, I can find out that information.

In regard to the third part of the question, as to whether the proposal has been vetted or put through the wringer by the Office of Industry and Development, the answer to that is yes. This proposal has been around for many years. I believe it is something like four years since this proposal was first mooted. The financial viability of the company has been extensively examined by officers of the ACT Office of Industry and Development, and in all circumstances Decoin has come up looking good.

The position is that Decoin is required, I believe, to provide a security deposit, which it is in a position to do or has already done. The advice is that, no matter which way the proposal is looked at, it comes out being a very good solid financial commercial proposition. It should be pointed out that the proposition is something like the expenditure of over $12m on a swimming, aquatic and recreational facility in the Tuggeranong Valley; something which I am sure members will agree has been long overdue.

In addition, not only is it providing the aquatic facilities, it is also providing a recreational and family centre complex within the valley; once again, something that has been long overdue. It is not just a swimming facility. I believe the proposal includes the provision of 10-pin bowling alleys, restaurants, places for night-time entertainment, et cetera. In addition to that, there is the provision of a wave pool complex which will be extraordinarily popular with young people in general.

In broad answer to the question, the simple answer is yes, it has been very closely scrutinised, and the financial viability of the firm is as good as the financial viability of any other commercial operator which was interested in going onto the site.

Weetangera Primary School - Hearing Impaired Unit

MS MAHER: My question is directed to the Minister for Health and Education. Can the Minister say whether or not

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