Page 2694 - Week 09 - Thursday, 9 August 1990

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support for the concept and commented on what a good idea it was to have this sort of thing being displayed on the sides of ACTION buses.

The implication in this article that I opposed the concept and then insisted on changing the wording of the message is misquoting me completely. The original message that was to be put on the posters was "If ya gonna do it, do it safely". I suggested that it would be more appropriate if a bit of proper English was used and the phrase was simply changed to "If you do it - - -"

Mr Berry: Why would not the Health Minister launch it? Come on, Gary, tell us.

MR DUBY: I will come to that in the continuation of my answer, Mr Berry. I asked that the message be changed to read the Queen's English, in other words, "If you do it, do it safely". I was disappointed to see at the launch of the poster today that my instructions were not followed and it still says, "If ya do it, do it safely". I see no need for that.

The article also goes on and impugns the Minister for Health, Mr Humphries, in saying that whilst he supported the campaign and his ministry helped with the funding, he did not want to launch it. Once again, my recollection of the conversation that I had with the Minister for Health was that nothing could be further from the truth. The simple fact was, to my recollection, that the Minister had a prior engagement for the day that this was set by.

In addition, it was pointed out that the people who had organised the campaign had proposed that the Federal Minister for Health, Mr Howe, should be the person who should be invited to do the launch. Both Mr Humphries and I were quite pleased and happy for that arrangement to go ahead. I note that it was launched today. I also note that I, for one, never received an invitation to the launching - I do not know about Mr Humphries - and I find that quite distressing. Nevertheless, I want to reaffirm my support for the AIDS education program and also the support of the Minister for Health.

Education Consultative Committee

MR CONNOLLY: Mr Acting Speaker, my question is directed to the Minister for Education. It will not require figures so he can probably give an answer. Did the Minister seek the advice of the schools authority advisory council on school closures? If so, what advice did he receive or did the authority receive?

MR HUMPHRIES: May I say first of all that I do not think there is any such thing as a schools authority advisory council. I think that Mr Connolly is probably referring to

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