Page 1840 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 30 May 1990

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will respond positively to initiatives designed to reduce pollution and make wood burning appliances more efficient.

School Buses

MRS GRASSBY: My question is directed to the Minister for Health, Education and the Arts. Has he had any discussions with the Minister for transport, Mr Duby, on the provision of extra buses to cope with the increased demand due to school closures? How many extra buses will be required, and what will be the cost?

MR HUMPHRIES: I do not know how many times I have to state to the Opposition, before it sinks in, that questions of that kind cannot be answered until we identify which schools are to be closed. I have to make the point again and again, obviously, that it is entirely appropriate in the circumstances that the Government identify the sorts of criteria that it should be using in order to make savings in the area of school consolidation before it starts to name the schools concerned.

Mrs Grassby: It could end up costing twice as much.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mrs Grassby's view seems to be somewhat inconsistent. Her colleagues seem to be saying that we should be extending the period of any change over a number of years, not allowing anything to happen this year which might affect schools. On the other hand, she wants to know now which schools are to close. I cannot provide that information, Mrs Grassby. I have no intention of providing it.

Mrs Grassby: No. I would like you to have done a survey on what buses you would have to use.

MR HUMPHRIES: I cannot provide the information about buses until we know which schools are going to close. I can, however, assure you that, as soon as the Government has identified which schools will close, it will move immediately to identify the costs of bussing and other incidental costs associated with those arrangements, and I will inform the house at the earliest opportunity.

Inspection Fees

MR STEVENSON: My question is addressed to the Minister for Finance and Urban Services. Are Canberrans to be subjected to inspection fees if they complain about or report possible offences relating to dogs, noise pollution or other areas within his portfolio?

MR DUBY: Thank you, Mr Stevenson, for the question. The question of inspection fees in the areas that you mentioned in particular, which were dogs - - -

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