Page 630 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 21 March 1990

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Gowrie Private Hotel - Sale - Copy of letter from The Hon. Stewart West, MP, Federal Minister for Administrative Services to Mr T. Kaine, Chief Minister, dated 19 February 1990.

Tobacco Legislation

MR BERRY: My question is directed to the Chief Minister. Can the Chief Minister confirm that his overturning of his own Government's Cabinet decision on Mr Humphries' tobacco legislation was a direct result of the intervention by Premier Greiner advocating the tobacco industry's voluntary code of conduct? Has the Chief Minister changed his view on the effectiveness of this code of conduct, following the concerns raised by Dr Shroot and Canberra ASH about Canberra Festival brochures carrying tobacco company advertising which breaches this voluntary code of conduct.

MR KAINE: Mr Speaker, that is a long, convoluted question that is totally predicated on an incorrect premise. I have in no way overturned a Cabinet decision on anything. For the benefit of members, what happened was that the Cabinet adopted a position on tobacco advertising; I then received a deputation from representatives from the tobacco industry who told me that they had not been consulted by Mr Humphries. I repeat, they had not been consulted by Mr Humphries. I made it clear to those people that purely on the premise that I accepted their assertion that they had not been consulted by Mr Humphries, I would ask - not direct - Mr Humphries to ensure that appropriate discussions took place.

Later that day, I did ask Mr Humphries, and he assured me that the premise that was put to me by those people was totally incorrect; he had, in fact, consulted with them on three different occasions. In other words, those representatives from the tobacco industry completely misrepresented the position when they came to me. Having heard that, I allowed Mr Humphries to proceed on the route that he was taking. I in no way changed the Cabinet decision. I in no way changed Mr Humphries' tack. He was right in the approach that he was taking. I support that, and he remains right.

Therapeutic Goods Administration

MR MOORE: My question is directed to the Chief Minister. Chief Minister, are you aware that the Therapeutic Goods Administration - TGA - which was formally known as the National Biological Standards Laboratory, has a sterility testing unit in the precincts of, and next to, block B, Currong Flats in Braddon? If you are aware of that - and now you are because I have just informed you - could you

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