Page 3835 - Week 11 - Thursday, 24 November 2022

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(a) lodge Works Approval and Development Application for LRS2a in December 2022, with the aim to receive approvals around Q2, 2023;

(b) undertake contract negotiations for delivery of LRS2a Main Works while obtaining Works Approvals, which is expected to be received around Q2, 2023;

(c) construction of the depot expansion will commence in 2023;

(d) the first new LRV is expected to arrive in 2024, with retrofitting of the existing fleet commencing shortly thereafter;

(e) the specific delivery timeframe for LRS2a commencing operations is subject to receiving Works Approval from the National Capital Authority, signing a contract with the ACT Government’s delivery partner, and finalising an agreed construction program; and

(f) once the National Capital Authority has issued Works Approvals for LRS2a, the ACT Government will shift its focus to progressing Light Rail Stage 2b to deliver light rail to Woden which will include planning, design, and development and subsequent publication of a Business Case;

(4) calls on the ACT Government to:

(a) undertake contract negotiations for delivery of LRS2a in 2023;

(b) publish estimated costs for Stage 2A and 2B once contracts are signed and the procurement is finalised to ensure the Territory is in the best position to achieve value for money;

(c) continue to release Business Cases and Contracts for future stages of Light Rail; and

(d) commit to continuing to adequately resource Major Projects Canberra and other Directorates to ensure they have appropriate capacity to deliver infrastructure, such as Light Rail Stage 2B, in a timely manner; and

(5) calls on all parties to publicly:

(a) recognise the benefits of extending light rail to Woden;

(b) commit to delivering light rail to Woden; and

(c) commit to realising the vision of a city wide light rail network.”.

MS CLAY (Ginninderra) (4.35): I rise to speak about Mr Parton’s motion on light rail stage 2 and the amendments circulated by Minister Steel. I would like to thank Mr Parton for his interest in the delivery of light rail stage 2. We Greens are also very interested in the delivery of light rail stage 2 and in the delivery of our whole city-wide light rail network.

We need this built as soon as possible. With over 60 per cent of tracked emissions coming from transport, this is an essential project to address our climate crisis. It is also essential to deal with Canberra’s congestion, which is growing at a rate three times faster than any other mainland Australian city. It is essential if we want Canberra to remain liveable and accessible for everyone. It was also part of Canberra’s original plan, so we were running pretty late on this from the outset.

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