Page 3038 - Week 09 - Thursday, 13 October 2022

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makes our living infrastructure great and include metrics on the planting of ground cover and shrubs.

I would like to move on to lighting, which Ms Lawder touched on earlier, and how we light our city and suburbs. I recently received correspondence from a constituent comparing the top of a streetlight to a decapitated Star Wars battle droid. I applaud the creative interpretation and the Photoshop skills that matched that. I also appreciate the concern that lies behind the comparison and the concern about the look and feel of their suburb.

Lighting can enable Canberra to provide comfortable, enjoyable and meaningful experiences at night, whilst accentuating the distinct features and characteristics of our city. It also has the ability to unlock the potential to celebrate our city’s identity, improve after-dark wayfinding, improve walkability and cycling routes, and improve the ability for people to interact with their public spaces. It also enhances the experience of people in the night-time precincts and visually improves the public spaces which they pass through.

The focus of TCCS has been on a bulb replacement program to reduce energy usage across the lighting network. This is a worthwhile aim, but we need to lift our ambitions regarding what we want to achieve out of the lighting of our city. I also applaud the solar path lighting trial around Yerrabi Pond, the smart lights that are powered by solar panels, and I wish to see more lighting that activates our local areas like this.

An examination of the Canberra Safety Map highlights where Canberrans have already identified concerns about the level of lighting. I recommend that we take more specific and scientific action and undertake a dark spots study to comprehensively identify where our lighting is deficient.

I also call for the identification of past-approved TCCS decorative post-top fittings with old lighting technology. We should identify where we can find like-for-like LED products that can be approved for use and updated in the guidelines so that we are able to replace fittings with a product that has a similar look and feel. I also support the creation of a lighting strategy or lighting master plan that outlines the objectives, action plans and implementation for the lighting of Canberra.

MR STEEL (Murrumbidgee—Minister for Skills, Minister for Transport and City Services and Special Minister of State) (11.47): I welcome the opportunity to speak on the 2022-23 budget relating to the Transport Canberra and City Services portfolio. The ACT government is delivering the infrastructure, services and opportunities our growing city needs to ensure that the Canberra of 2030—and indeed beyond that—continues to be one of the most liveable cities in the world.

Through the 2022-23 budget the government is continuing to deliver a strong pipeline of transport and suburban infrastructure projects that will create and protect local jobs. We are working to deliver the biggest upgrade to suburban facilities in Canberra’s history, including new infrastructure and upgrades to existing facilities to ensure that that they can continue to meet the needs of our growing community. Ms Lawder referred to these as “shiny new things”, but this is actually about maintaining the

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