Page 2691 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 21 September 2022

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have in place. It is quite absurd that we are even debating this in this place, but I guess it is a reflection of Mr—

Mr Hanson: It is a question of how many, isn’t it?

MR BARR: “It is a question of how many.” So you are so concerned about that. And we have the ridiculous statement from Mr Parton about it being the Communist Party newsletter, yet his motion suggests that it is okay to produce the “Communist Party newsletter” four times a year. It is one or the other, isn’t it, really?

Mr Hanson: But it is the Community Party newsletter! It is?

MR BARR: It is not the Communist Party newsletter.

Mr Hanson: It is not? I thought it was. I thought you said it was. The Socialist Party? Is it the Socialist—

MR BARR: I suspect the Communist Party might be somewhat offended by the suggestion that the Our Canberra newsletter is indeed a communist newsletter.

Mr Hanson: Yes, you are far too far to the left for them! They would not like you decriminalising drugs.


MR BARR: This is now clearly degenerating into the sort of undergraduate behaviour that typifies those opposite. It is the last motion on a Wednesday afternoon. The interjections and the contribution from Mr Parton might play well at a Young Liberals meeting, but, seriously, in this parliament, on this day—this is the best you can come up with? We will not be supporting Mr Parton’s motion. I commend the amendment to the Assembly.

MS DAVIDSON (Murrumbidgee—Assistant Minister for Families and Community Services, Minister for Disability, Minister for Justice Health, Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Veterans and Seniors) (4.49): I rise to speak to Mr Parton’s motion and the amendment moved by the Chief Minister, in my capacity as Minister for Veterans and Seniors, Minister for Disability and the minister responsible for carers.

Thankfully, because I almost always read my speeches from my iPad, which is not as easy to wave around as paper, I am probably not going to be accused of using a prop today. I am delighted that Mr Parton and the Canberra Liberals are so concerned about our environment and effective communications in our community, as evidenced by this motion. I am, however, disappointed that the Canberra Liberals have, in this motion, failed to consider the needs of our older Canberrans, particularly given that Mr Parton was just talking about how much printing he does for his local electorate, which I am sure he knows includes quite a large number of older Canberrans.

That is why the Greens have worked with Labor to make amendments to this motion, as moved by the Chief Minister.

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