Page 942 - Week 03 - Thursday, 7 April 2022

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Omit all text after “That this Assembly”, substitute:

“(1) notes that:

(a) house prices are rising nationally and internationally and the ACT is affected by these increases, alongside other jurisdictions in Australia and across the world;

(b) the ACT’s existing dwelling stock comprised, at 30 June 2021:

(i) approximately 115 000 single residential dwellings; and

(ii) approximately 63 000 ‘other’ dwellings, including apartments, townhouses and semi-detached dwellings; and

(c) the ACT Government’s Indicative Land Release Program 2021-22 to 2025-26:

(i) continues to supply dwellings ahead of population growth;

(ii) provides a mix of dwelling types and locations; and

(iii) is supported by private sector redevelopment in established suburbs;

(2) further notes that:

(a) the Housing Choices collaboration hub showed a preference for infill development;

(b) the Grattan Institute has identified increasing density in inner and middle suburbs as the most effective way to increase housing affordability;

(c) density provides for affordable lifestyles with reduced transport costs and access to established services and facilities;

(d) the Demonstration Housing project is testing ideas for medium-density development; and

(e) unchecked urban sprawl increases emissions, reduces liveability and sustainability, requires expensive new infrastructure, and will destroy the bush landscape that surrounds Canberra, risking we lose protected flora and fauna forever; and

(3) calls on the ACT Government to:

(a) clearly identify, through District Strategies, likely locations for future density, particularly medium-density development; and

(b) ensure the new planning system will deliver the housing choices to accommodate Canberrans into the future.”.

There is no secret that house prices are rising, and it is an international problem which is having an impact across Australia, including here in Canberra. The ACT government has some levers available to it to improve housing affordability, and we are using the levers that we have, such as reducing stamp duty, and the affordable home purchase scheme.

Another one of these levers is supplying land for additional housing. Ms Lee seems to incorrectly conflate land release and housing supply, but housing supply is also about making more efficient use of the land and the infrastructure that we have in our existing footprint. I will go to comments about the availability of houses, and look at

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