Page 328 - Week 01 - Thursday, 10 February 2022

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(12) Can the Minister specify what all the responsibilities are of Transport Canberra and City Services, Roads ACT, regarding its role as Land Custodian of all works located within the road reserve.

(13) Can the Minister confirm that (a) for developments having a major impact on the environment of the ACT, the appropriate assessment track is the impact track, (b) the public works of Major Projects Canberra for MPC DA 202138229 and MPC DA 202138251 will, by definition, be developments having a major impact on the environment of the Woden Town Centre and vicinity, (c) public transport facilities are ordinarily prohibited development in PRZ1 (Urban Open Space Zone), (d) in PRZ1 the definition of “ancillary use” is “[supporting] the care, management and enjoyment of these open spaces including park maintenance depots [and] small-scale community activity centres”, (e) RZ4 is one of the land use classifications that applies for the Easty/Wilbow roundabout, the other classifications being CZ2 and PRZ1 and (f) when the Easty Street bus layovers are operating, buses will be passing through portions of the Easty/Wilbow roundabout that are classified as PRZ1 and RZ4, and that these land use areas have identical noise criteria that is more stringent than for CZ2?

(14) Can the Minister explain why the RZ4 classification was omitted from MPC DA 202138229 when it is applicable to the Easty/Wilbow roundabout that buses will need to use.

(15) Can the Minister explain, with respect to the significant negative noise, visual, and air quality impacts of the anticipated operation of Easty Street bus layovers on people frequenting the adjoining PRZ1 recreational spaces and living in or visiting the residences of the nearby RZ4 areas, why (a) MPC DA 202138229 was not submitted in the impact track and (b) an environmental impact statement, as per item1 in Part 4.2 of Schedule 4 of the Planning and Development Act 2007 was not required.

Mr Steel: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Road reserve is not defined in the Territory Plan. However, ‘road’ is defined and means:

any way or street (so called), whether in existence or under reserve, open to the public which is provided and maintained for the passage of vehicles, persons and animals and which may include footpaths, community paths, bus lay-bys, light rail tracks, turning areas, or traffic controls.

The road reserve is typically the area between front boundaries on both sides of the road and is made up of the road carriageway and a verge area either side of the road.

The term ‘road reserve’ has been replaced by a term ‘road related area’. The definition of the ‘road related area’ is used in the ACT Legislation register and other legislative instruments regardless of the land use zones.

a) road related area, for the road transport legislation or a provision of the road transport legislation (the relevant legislation) means:

1. an area that divides a road; or

2. a footpath or nature strip adjacent to a road; or

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